
Estonian Lake Võrtsjärv was awarded as one of the top destinations of European water tourism

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 28.09.2010.

The South Estonian Lake Võrtsjärv was awarded as one of the top destinations of European water tourism 2010 at the award ceremony in Brussels, LETA/National Broadcasting reports. 

The award was granted to 25 water tourism destinations in Europe, European Commission’s representation in Estonia said.

 All the award-winners received the European top destination title EDEN for introducing themselves in an innovative and nature-friendly way.

 The EDEN projects helps to draw attention to destinations in the EU that are gathering popularity or are less popular in order to reduce the visiting burden of more popular places and spread the message about the nature-friendly way of tourism.

 The project is based on annual national competitions which select one top destination from each participating state. The project has a different subject every year. This year’s subject was water tourism.