The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) has agreed to work towards meeting the 17 UN sustainable development goals. The Landscape Architecture chair of Eesti Maaülikool (EMÜ)/Estonian University of Life Sciences accepts these goals and contributes to fulfilling them in its teaching and research work.
"IFLA, the International Federation of Landscape Architects has produced a publication on how the discipline and profession of landscape architecture has obligations to work towards meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals", said Professor Simon Bell, head of the Chair of Landscape Architecture at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. "As the Chair of Landscape Architecture is the only department where landscape architecture is taught as a full profession in Estonia, we are conscious of the need not only to ensure that we align with these goals but also to demonstrate that our work, such as our BlueHealth research, is an integral part of the wider university strategy in this respect."
"Eesti Maastikuarhitekti Liit, the professional body for landscape architecture in Estonia is also a member of IFLA and endorses the publication. The document shows a series of project examples which help to meet these goals."
You can learn more about the agreement here.