Launch of the “GreenMan” ENPI cross-border cooperation project
On May 1, 2012, the “GreenMan” project (full name - “ Tartu, Rezekne, Pskov: Gre...
Representatives of twelve universities gather in Tartu
Tomorrow, on May 3 Estonian University of Life Sciences and 11 other universities gather in a BOVA NOVA seminar and sign an agreement which unites the universitites of Baltic countries and Northern Europe in study and research cooperation.
Doctoral student of EMÜ received a rare scholarship
Kristi Kerner, doctoral student of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, becam...
Linnasprint starts its 6th season
On Wednesday, March 28 the first round of Tartu Linnasprint (The Town’s Sprint), an orientee...
Open Doors Day
This Wednesday, March 21 the spring term Open Doors Day will take place in the EMÜ. The main ...
EMÜ professor wrote the best college textbook
On March 15 the Estonian Minister of Education and Research, Jaak Aaviksoo awarded the textbook „Veterinary Parasitology“ by EMÜ professor Toivo Järvis with the title of the best Estonian college textbook in 2011.
EMÜ started participating in the maintenance of urban green areas
Estonian University of Life Sciences signed an international project called GreenMan on Monday, be...
Irish students are practicing in the EMÜ Animal Clinic
This week, the international Leonardo programme brought eight animal management students from Cava...
EMÜ helps develop more resistent crops
EMÜ is the only Estonian partner in a European Commission project „3to4“, whose objective is to develop types of crop which are more resistent to hot and dry environments.
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