
Lectures at Conference Centre Athena

Doctoral School of Earth sciences and Ecology offers you the opportunity to particpate in the following presentations at Conference Centre Athena (Tartu, Küütri 1) in the framework of the conference "Thermadapt Science meeting: Evolutionary and plastic responses of animal growth to different temperatures: adaptations and constraints". 

Students conquer Tartu

Tartu Student Days is a festival for all the students – national and international. It’s a festival filled with positive energy, optimism and of course culture and entertainment – a keeper of the student spirit. The aim is to bring everyone together to (re)discover their inner student. 

SEB Kõrvemaa Kevadjooks winner comes from the EMU

SEB Kõrvemaa Kevadjooks  took  place on Saturday, the 23rd of May 2011 in Kõrvemaa. The event was organized by Spordiürituste Korraldamise Klubi. 

Invitation to a foreign researchers’ hike in Soomaa

The Estonian EURAXESS Network is glad to welcome you to a hike organised for foreign researchers in Soomaa, 20th of May, 9:00 – 17:15. 

Maaülikool on International Agricultural Fair

International Agricultural Fair takes place on April 14-16 in Tartu. The EMU has exponents both in the exhibition hall and on the exhibition grounds.

EMU students have a new board

Last week EMU student body held its elections and the new members of the board are now known. 4th year veterinary student Gerlin Järvela became the chairwoman. Her deputy is sophomore Andre Purret, who is studying forest industry.  In addition to that two committees got new leaders. More information: Gerlin Järvela, chairwoman of the EMU Student Union, ph 56 478 84.

Exhibition on landscape design in the EMU Library

April is the month of landscape architecture. From 2006 different activities related to landscape architecture and design take place all over the world. In April the EMU library holds an exhibition on different books and journals related to this subject. Besides the book exhibition visitors can also see the landscape design projects done by EMU students. The exhibition will remain open till May 13.

Ecosystem effects of reindeer grazing

On Tuesday, 19 April 2011, at 14.15 Minna-Maarit Kytöviita  from  Jyväskylä University in  Finland gives a lecture on Ecosystem effects of reindeer grazing. The lecture is held in Tartu, at 40-218 Lai Street.  

Turning e-learning into common standard

Dear colleague, you are welcome to attend an international conference which takes place April 07 - 08, 2011 in the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Tartu).