Academic year 2024/2025

Academic year 2024/2025

Academic offer for exchange students in academic year 2024/2025


When choosing your courses, please pay attention to the grading methods*


Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences

Animal Science

Food Science

Veterinary Medicine (see prerequisites for courses here)


Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Landscape Architecture 

Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Nature Tourism


Institute of Forestry and Engineering

Forestry / Natural Resources / Geomatics



Language courses

The Language Centre of EMÜ offers Estonian language courses for exchange students:


Autumn semester:

KE.0085 Estonian. Level 0-A1  (Erasmus-students) (4 ECTS)
KE.0069 Estonian for foreigners (3 ECTS)

Spring semester:

KE.0085 Estonian. Level 0-A1  (Erasmus-students) (4 ECTS)
KE.0062 Estonian for beginners. Level A1.1–A1.2 (2 ECTS)


To see other courses offered for exchange students by the language centre, CLICK HERE.


Physical education course

The Sports Club of EMÜ offers the subject Physical Education (OP.1444, 2 ECTS) which is suitable for English speaking students. The subject covers topics like physical activity and health sport. Goal is to give knowledge about physical activity and to give overview about different options for individual trainings and recreation. Specialization in group trainings (fitness) or ball games. 

Psychology course

EMÜ offers the subject Introduction to Positive Psychology (OP.1454, 2 ECTS) which is suitable for English speaking students. The main objective of this course is to get a basic overview of positive psychology as a discipline: what it is and what it is not. Self-reflections and sharing of the experience with fellow students provide deeper understanding. As a result, the skills acquired provide new opportunities and ideas for increasing well-being in one's everyday life.


*Grading methods - there are two different grading methods at EMÜ: differentiated (graded from A-F) and non-differentiated (not graded, simply pass/fail). This can't be changed and students need to consider this when choosing their courses. 

How to find out which courses are graded and which courses are not? In the files above, click on a name of a course, then scroll to the bottom of the page that opens, choose the appropriate syllabus (for example A24/25 Eng) and then on that page that opens, under "Assessment" you'll see if the course is differentiated (graded) or non-differentiated (not graded). 

When choosing your courses, make sure your home university accepts the grading methods we have. 

You can read more about our credits and grading methods here.