Taking courses at other universities

You have the right to take courses from other Estonian universities as a visiting student. Estonian University of Life Sciences has agreements with the following Universities: University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn University, Estonian Aviation Academy and Tartu Art College. To take courses from other universities as a visiting student:

  • you have to fill in the visiting student’s application form;
  • get a confirmation (signature) from the Director of Studies of your home institute in the EMU;
  • take it to the Dean's office of the host faculty of the host university together with your ID or passport (or a copy of it);
  • when they have signed and stamped the document, send a copy back to your Study Advisor (e-mail is enough):
  • register to the courses at the host university;
  • at the end of the course bring the transcript of record from the university you visited to your Study Advisor.