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Alumni life

One of the main reasons to study at the Estonian University of Life Sciences is the lifelong friendships and professional connections you will make here.

Over the past 70 years, nearly 35,000 graduates have received diplomas from the Estonian Agricultural Academy, the Estonian University of Agricultural Sciences, or the Estonian University of Life Sciences. One in every thirty adult people in Estonia is our alumni, with the majority of them working in the agricultural sector. It’s a large family where you can always rely on the support of your fellow alumni.

Our alumni have gone on to become presidents of the Republic of Estonia (Arnold Rüütel, Alar Karis), politicians, entrepreneurs and business leaders, as well as well-known creatives, scientists, innovators, and specialists in a variety of fields.

Alumni are united by the Alumni Association, but there are also many other ways to stay connected with the university, including through your own department. Perhaps you have great ideas on how to develop our curricula or want to offer internship opportunities to our current students?

Alumni are always welcome at university conferences and special events. And, of course, the university doors are open to all eager learners among our alumni—whether it's for a microdegree, short-term continuing education, or even a completely new field of study.

Since 2009, the Estonian University of Life Sciences Alumni Association has annually selected an Alumnus of the Year.

The purpose of awarding the title is to recognize an individual who, through their professional or societal activities, actively contributes to the development of rural life and/or rural economy, and collaborates with the Estonian University of Life Sciences.

Mees kõnet pidamas

Alumnus of the Year 2024: Taavi Võsa

In 2024, Taavi Võsa made an outstanding contribution to organizing the World Plowing Championships, held at the Rõhu Farm of the Estonian University of Life Sciences. The event, which took place on August 16–17, brought together competitors and spectators from over 25 countries. Taavi played a key role in marking and measuring the land areas, ensuring that all competition and demonstration fields met the required standards.

Taavi is an excellent communicator, a truly inspiring individual who performs his work skillfully, both with his mind and his heart. He is an outstanding role model for others.

Together with the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Taavi has also been involved in various knowledge transfer projects, such as Field Days, where his role was to provide technical support and guide participants in learning about modern agricultural techniques and practices.

Taavi's contribution to the development of rural life and the rural economy in Estonia is significant. Through these events, he has raised community and youth awareness, while also establishing strong connections with local farmers. His collaboration with the university's faculty, students, and researchers has enriched the university community, making him a well-deserved recipient of the Alumnus of the Year title.

Mees kõnet pidamas

The goal of the Alumni Association Scholarship Competition is to recognize the Estonian University of Life Sciences students for their academic achievements and active social engagement, particularly in promoting the university and its fields of study to the public. The scholarship fund is established from donations made by the Alumni Association to the Estonian University of Life Sciences Joosep Toots Fund.

In 2024, the Alumni Association Scholarship was awarded to:

  • Kaarel Pent
  • Maare Mõtsküla
  • Artur Heimola

The awards were presented during the ceremony dedicated to the university's anniversary on November 8, 2024, in the university auditorium.

You can find the previous scholarship recipients on the Joosep Toots Fund page.

If you would like to get involved in the activities of the Alumni Association or have suggestions regarding alumni relations, please contact the Alumni Association Board.

Karl Erik Taukari bänd esineb laval, hämaras suures saalis tantsib palju inimesi.
Karl Erik Taukari bänd esineb laval, hämaras suures saalis tantsib palju inimesi.

The Alumni Association's most notable initiative is organizing reunions for the Estonian University of Life Sciences alumni.

Based on feedback, we can confidently say that these alumni events are the largest and most impressive that Estonian universities have seen. Most recently, over 2,000 alumni gathered at the university's sports hall.

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The next big alumni reunion will be in September 2026.

Keep an eye out for announcements and get in touch with your classmates to start planning the event!

Rõõmsad vilistlaspeo meeleolus keskeas naisterahvad lehvitavad käega