Inimesed üle laua kätt surumas

How to collaborate with the university?

The Estonian University of Life Sciences is a leading knowledge center in the circular-bioeconomy. We are your partner in the green transition. We help create science-based and environmentally sustainable practical solutions.

Laborikitlis teadlane laboriseadmete ees seismas ja naeratamas

Product and Service Development

The Estonian University of Life Sciences offers companies a number of valuable product and service development services, the aim of which is to support companies in creating new innovative solutions based on high-level scientific knowledge. Our scientists are actively involved in various research projects that can provide companies with new knowledge and technological solutions. The university's laboratories allow testing new products and technologies and assessing their effectiveness.

Laborikitlis teadlane laboriseadmete ees seismas ja naeratamas
Maaülikooli töötaja laboris
Maaülikooli töötaja laboris

Laboratory services

The extensive laboratory base of the Estonian University of Life Sciences allows us to conduct research and provide services to all interested parties in addition to conducting research. In our laboratories, we can identify the main diseases of garden, forest and field crops, assess wood damage and analyze the possibilities of controlling pathogens. We determine the physical and chemical properties of various (bio)fuels, assess their compliance with the standards in force in the European Union. We test building materials and their physical and mechanical properties (tensile, compressive, bending, torsional strength, etc.), in the computed tomography laboratory we perform non-destructive measurements and much more. To find a laboratory service that suits you, contact us or see our list of research and development services.

Käsi näitab viljapuulehti, kus on kahjur augud lehe sisse närinud

Applied Research

Applied research is essential to put scientific discoveries and theories into practice and create new, useful products and services. If you want to delve deeper into a topic, we offer solutions in our research areas to both the public and private sectors. The University of Life Sciences offers a wide range of applied research, which is aimed at agriculture, forestry, engineering and production, as well as the environment. This research is closely related to the natural and economic conditions of Estonia and contributes to ensuring sustainable development.

Käsi näitab viljapuulehti, kus on kahjur augud lehe sisse närinud
Inimesed poseerivad suures saalis kahes reas, neil on käes teadus-arendustegevusega seotud märksõnade sildid. Esimene rida kükitab, teine seisab.
Inimesed poseerivad suures saalis kahes reas, neil on käes teadus-arendustegevusega seotud märksõnade sildid. Esimene rida kükitab, teine seisab.

Hackathons, development accelerators

We organize bioeconomy hackathons in cooperation with companies and international partners to find innovative solutions to problems in organizations and society at large:

• open hackathons for finding innovative solutions - open to all interested parties

• hackathons based on the problems of companies/institutions (open to solution providers based on the problems of specific companies).

We involve researchers/experts/mentors from both Estonia and international networks.

Klaviatuur ja graafikutega paberid

Risk Analysis

If you are a rural entrepreneur, farmer, consultant or public sector representative and need help in creating a methodological framework for risk assessment and developing the tools necessary for risk management, then you have come to the right place. We perform analyses of both risk scenarios and mitigation options for your company. In addition, we also measure the work stress and health risks of your employees and try to find ways to prevent the risk of cognitive overload in employees. Explore our services and find a suitable contact from the list of research and development services.

Klaviatuur ja graafikutega paberid
Teadlane seisab raamat käes värvilise plakati taustal, kus on pildid ja tekstid metsaga seotud teemade kohta
Teadlane seisab raamat käes värvilise plakati taustal, kus on pildid ja tekstid metsaga seotud teemade kohta

Expert opinions

Is solving a specific problem too much for you? Do you want to discover new opportunities, develop your knowledge or skills? The experts at the University of Life Sciences have deep knowledge of agriculture, forestry, engineering, energy and the environment, and other related fields. We provide our expert assessment or opinion in the fields of nature conservation and environmental protection, food hygiene and food safety, forestry, energy use or rural development, among others. Contact us to find a suitable expert in your field.


Inimesed seisavad laboris. Laborikitlis naisterahvas selgitab, kolm inimest kuulavad

SekMo – Inter-sectoral Mobility Support

The aim of inter-sectoral mobility is to bring together researchers and companies.

The aim of the measure’s support is to increase the inter-sectoral movement of employees in order to increase the sharing of knowledge between different fields and to promote cooperation between Estonian research and development institutions, higher education institutions and the public and private sectors.

The Estonian University of Life Sciences is currently implementing seven different projects funded by the SekMo measure. As a result of these projects, cooperation between companies and researchers will increase, knowledge intensity will increase in both the private and public sectors, and the number of researchers with experience in both fields will increase. This in turn will contribute to innovation and the development of knowledge transfer in Estonia.

The SekMo contact at the Estonian University of Life Sciences is Lili Veesaar.

Read more ETAGi koduleheltlink opens in new pagelink opens in new page or RTK koduleheltlink opens in new pagelink opens in new page.

Inimesed seisavad laboris. Laborikitlis naisterahvas selgitab, kolm inimest kuulavad
Naisterahvas näitab riiulil väikestes taimepottides kasvavaid taimi
Naisterahvas näitab riiulil väikestes taimepottides kasvavaid taimi


We advise companies and institutions in all areas of the circular bioeconomy. If you have thought about establishing an organic honey farm, are looking for suitable tree species for afforestation or plantation, want to build a factory, but lack knowledge of existing bioresources, then ask and we will find an opportunity to implement your ideas.

To find an expert in a specific field, see our list of research and development services.

Kevadine raiesmik, kus esiplaanil on punases korvis väikesed männiistikud

Green Accelerator -> Forest, Soil and Biodiversity Green Accelerator

The goal of the Green Accelerator is to support early-stage green technology companies by helping them bring their ideas and solutions to market faster.

The Green Accelerator program focuses on developing green technologies that help reduce the impact of climate change and promote environmental sustainability. Special attention is paid to improving forest data collection, soil and biodiversity conservation, and smart land use. The goal is to create environmentally friendly solutions that support Estonia's climate goals and contribute to promoting the green transition. The accelerator will increase the investor readiness of green technology startups and bring innovative solutions to the market.

The program is implemented by the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Sparkup Tartu Science Park, and the Baltic Innovation Agency.

The duration of the Green Accelerator, supported by the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK), is September 2024 - February 2026.

The Green Accelerator project manager at the Estonian University of Life Sciences is Lili Veesaar.

More information is available on the green accelerator websitelink opens in new page.

Kevadine raiesmik, kus esiplaanil on punases korvis väikesed männiistikud

Grants for development and research cooperation

State co-financing programs make cooperation between universities and companies even more attractive, as they cover part of the project costs. The funded service can be product development, applied research or other services that help develop entrepreneurship in collaboration with researchers.

Cooperation between research institutions and companies is supported by:

Estonian Business and Innovation Agency (EIS)link opens in new page


Katrin Kepp

Head of Centre of Bioeconomy

Teadusprorektori vastutusala

Department of Research and Development

+372 7313038

+372 7313038


Marku Lamp

Head of Research and Development Cooperation

Metsanduse ja inseneeria instituut

Administration of the Institute of Forestry and Engineering
Elis Vollmer

Head of Centre of Renewable Energy

Teadusprorektori vastutusala

Department of Research and Development

+372 7313268

+372 7313268